domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

"El último aliento de Lucía"

"El último aliento de Lucía" 

Lucía, llegaste una tarde a mi vida
llenando mi alma de alegría
me diste la dulzura de un cariño bueno.
Dejaste tu perfume suave y delicado
Lucía, muy dentro de mí.

Quisiste mi pequeña e inocente florecita,
llenarme de ternura, oh mi Lucía, ese es tu nombre
el que yo quería formado con colores de mi cielo
incandescentes como, como tú, mi vida

Un día, mi pequeña muñequita, mi Lucía
en su corazón ya no había vida,
y decía: "No quiero, no quiero así marcharme"
y en un dolor profundo me llamaste.

Lucía, este es tú día. Sí, tú despedida
y con acordes de guitarra te dormiste.
Mirabas tú último día muy sonriente,
y te me fuiste, mi Lucía, al firmamento.

Ahora ya en el cielo, mi pequeña, eres bella,
te convertiste en una linda estrella.
Yo sé que duermes, y no regresas porque
quedaste atrapada en tu sonrisa.

De nuevo la guitarra, te hace acordes
te acompaña con la bella melodía
de una manos que crearon esa música,
solo para ti Lucía en el último aliento de tu vida.

¿Lucía por qué no regresas si yo te espero?
Hay un vacío en mi pobre vida,
que sólo llena con la música que cantas en el cielo.
Es la misma melodía, mi Lucía, que te atrapó aquel día muy sonriente.

Un día estaremos danzando allá en firmamento,
y cantaremos juntas aquellas bellas notas, de la
guitarra que te despedía en el último aliento de tu vida,
te amo, mi pequeño pedacito, fruto de un acorde de amor y melodías.

Eres hoy, un ángel de música y poesía,
belleza pura que trasciende del dolor a la dulzura.
Que te dormiste y ya no regresaste y
acá solo dejaste perlas de lágrimas y preguntas del ayer.

De nuevo la guitarra, vibra sus cuerdas y aquellas manos
danzan con la bella melodía, que fueron hechas para tí,
sólo para tí, mi pequeña Lucía.

~Kharina Montero

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Somewhere Around Memories

No words I write can ever say
How much I miss you every day
Time goes by the loneliness grows
How I miss you nobody knows
I think of you in silence
I often speak your name
And sometimes tell people 
how much you mean to me
But all I have are memories
And photos in my wall
No one knows my sorrow
No one sees me pain
But the love I have for you
Is in my heart to keep
I've never stopped loving you
I'm sure I never will
Deep inside my heart
You are with me still
I need you and I miss you so
The things we feel so deeply
Are often the hardest to say
But I just can't keep quiet any more
So I'll tell you anyway
There is a place in my heart
That no one else can fill
I love you so, Dad
And I always will

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

“Your dad passed away last night.” last words... Psalm 1

“Your dad passed away last night.” last words... Psalm 1
My heart stopped pumping. My blood went cold and my body became numb. I was speechless. I thought my dad was the strongest man alive and that he would overcome the aneurysm taking over his body. Why does this have to happen to me? My father was all I had. He was my world: my dad, my coach, my mentor, and my best friend, really.
After this day, I was a different person. When I realized that the one person I depended on and loved the most was gone, I shut down. I wanted to curl up and be alone all day in my room. I never wanted to talk or be bothered by anything. I pushed away my family and friends and was very rude. I didn’t care about anyone except myself. I tried to believe that my dad would walk through the door sooner or later and ask me to go out and have a catch with him. I knew it would never happen, but I just could not accept that I was never going to see him ever again. He will never be there to see me as mature woman and he will never be able to hold his grandkids. That’s what hurts the most.
One of the worst feelings I felt after my dad’s death, was the one I got when people didn’t understand why I was still upset. People believed that I should have gotten over his death a week or two after he was gone. All I could do was try and be strong. I bottled up my emotions. The first day of work, two weeks after his death, all I could do was smile. I didn’t talk, and if I didn’t pretend to be happy, I would have broken down. To this day I try to hold in my tears as much as possible. When my friends complain that they hate their parents because they won’t let them go to a party that weekend, it makes envy them. They still have both parents, and have no idea what can happen in the blink of an eye. People don’t understand how lucky they really are.
After a while, I was able to learn that life could continue without my dad. I learned that I had to accept what just happened to me, because there was nothing I could do to ever bring him back. I have become strong and wise and I learned who my real friends were. Those that said “I’m here for you if you need me” but never actually approached me after my dad’s passing were useless to me. I needed friends that showed that they were there for me. I needed friends I could cry with and vent to. The people who were there for me back then are the people I can consider my best friends today. I have been through a lot more than many people my age, and I feel that it has made me into a more mature being. I am an older, wiser, and stronger person than I was before.
I have slowly started appreciating more. I used to not care about much. I lived life day by day, usually got what I wanted, and took things for granted. Now, I don’t get caught up in little fights because I know that it’s not worth it. Things can happen in a split second, and life can end at anytime. We do not know our expiration dates, and I want to live my life to the fullest and not pause it to resolve a stupid fight over nothing. 
My dad's death has changed me in many ways, some good, and others bad. It sparked a turning point in my life, and I had no other choice than to continue moving forward. I think about the memories we shared every night. My room is filled of pictures of us together. While seeing these always make me sad, it makes me feel so lucky to have gotten to share 24 years of my life with him. I still am, and will always be a “daddy’s girl.”
I got touched by heart everytime I listen to "Psalm 1" by Perttu Kivilaakso. I remember once my dad heard it. He said "that's sounds beautiful". Then, few months ago I got a talk with Perttu about the background of this composition. It took my breath away... 
Beyond of music and experiences in life, there's a second chance to move forward and a beautiful way to connect to somebody else's feelings. We're not alone...

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Perdidas por Jorge Bucay

Es cierto el ser humano está preparado para sobrevivir a las perdidas de hecho nos pasamos media vida caminando por el sendero de las perdidas, materiales, amistad, ruptura de pareja y lo peor la muerte de nuestros seres queridos. Sabemos que esto es un hecho real, seguro e invariable pero nos empeñamos en mirar hacia otro lado y nos decimos durante toda nuestra vida que no soportaremos nada de estas pérdidas. No nos preparamos psicológicamente, no lo aceptamos, lo suprimimos de nuestra vida .Otras veces de tanto miedo que tenemos intentamos controlar los posibles peligros reales o irracionales con un desgaste emocional considerable y sin que sirva para nada más que crearnos ansiedad. 

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Farewell by Apocalyptica (My theme song)

When you have lost many things in your life. Everything seems to lose its color... We're losing things every single day... friends, illusion, pets, jobs, loved ones... But that's what our life turns away and it's ending one minute at a time. Sooner or later we have to go to the other side... That's our farewell...

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Mi héroe, mi mejor amigo, mi papito

Esos tus cabellos blancos, bonitos

ese hablar cansado, profundo

que me lee todo lo escrito

y me enseña tanto del mundo.

Esos pasos lentos que ahora

caminando siempre conmigo,

ya corrieron tanto en la vida

mi héroe, mi mejor amigo, mi papito

Esa vida llena de historias

y de arrugas marcadas por el viento,

recuerdos de antiguas victorias

son lágrimas lloradas al viento.

Tu voz dulce y serena me calma,

y me ofrece refugio y abrigo,

va calando dentro de mi alma,

mi querido papito

Tu pasado vive presente

en las experiencias sentidas,

y en tu corazón consciente

de las cosas bellas de la vida.

Tu sonrisa franca me anima

tu consejo sabio me cría

abro el corazón y te digo

mi querido papito

Yo, te he dicho casi todo,

y casi todo es poco,

frente a lo que yo siento.

Mirando tus cabellos

tan bonitos

abro el corazón

mi querido héroe

Mirando tu rostro en paz

te digo

Mi querido papito

Te amo y te amaré

hasta que nos volvamos a

mirar en la eternidad.

Gracias don Daniel! Papi por ser mi héroe de leyenda! te amo!

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Gladiator: Life is a succession of battles

Success, acknowledgement, fame glory… Many of us fight for reasons like that, but you don't build a good name from one day to the next. It is necessary to work hard even if there are stumbles and falls. It is necessary to overcome obstacles. It is necessary to have motivation, to persevere and insist. Life is a succession of battles.

Job, family, friends: all of us have a current status and also expectations for the future. However the twist and turns of fate take us by surprise. One cannot always do what one likes, but those who like what they do, and are always proud of doing better make more progress day by day. In our moments of quiet and ethic decisive moments, when mere good intentions are not enough. That's when life demands of us courage boldness creativity and an unquenchable fighting spirit. The truth is that problems and set
backs happen more frequently than we would like.

Times change. New challenges arise and new objectives. The Warriors look into the eyes of the future without fear or arrogance, but with the confident of those who are ready for battle. Living is also being prepared for difficult situations. How we approach the difficulties is what makes the different. Sometimes we ask, how can we cope with the radical changes that we are faced with. Its like acting a new scenario, where things we use to do so well now need to be relearned.

And how can we fight without letting go of fundamental values, and more, how do we know exactly what needs to be done at the right time? The amazing thing is that it is precisely upon facing adverse situations that many rediscover the best in themselves; ethics, friendship, the capability to create new strategies based on experience. The Talents to promote positive alliances, the spirit of leadership, the awareness of the strength that resides in true teamwork. All of this comes to the floor when required by certain circumstances, but one knows there is an important ultimate goal. Naturally it's not easy to give up habits, costumes. Its not easy to adapt to new environment. Or employ resources not familiar with, but all warriors know that pessimisms and uncertainty hold one back at moments like this. Even if the threat comes from many sides with agility, strength and determination we can achieve our goals. The combination of energy and intelligence as well as a balance between emotion and reason are essential to success. It is a most satisfying feeling to reach the end of a task with the feeling of duty fulfilled and receive the accolades and respect of all our colleagues, the admiration of the people we love. To hear out names spoken with pride, the pride of haven seen the obstacles and the opportunity of growth, the price of being able to face life’s ups and downs and win. The pride of being a winner who did not give up fundamental values.